API Documentation

Odoo Assertions

High level Odoo assertions.

class odoo_report_testing.assertions.OdooAssertions[source]

Mixin class providing assertion and helper methods to write tests.

assertImage(ref, compared, msg=None, output_dir=None)[source]

Test if two images are equals, if not, this generate a diff file and a animated gif file to highlight differences.

It could be two single page pdf files.

This delegate the work to compare application installed with imagemagick package which is required.

  • ref – a path to the file used as reference, expected result
  • compared – a path to the file to compare to the ref file.
  • msg – A message to print in case of faillure

Directory to generate diff files

assertOdooReport(reference, model, report_service_name, ids, data=None, context=None)[source]

Generate report and compare to a reference file, test will failed if files are different, have a look close to the reference file you will find a diff picture that show you differences.

here an example to test sale order quotation report:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from openerp.tests.common import TransactionCase
from odoo_report_testing.assertions import OdooAssertions

class TestSoReport(TransactionCase, OdooAssertions):

    def test_simple_so_report(self):


You may want to generate those report without expose any odoo port so that you can render report properly without http access.

You can follow this PR:
  • reference – Path to the report that the generated report should looks like
  • model – fully qualified model name
  • report_service_name – report name (without report.)
  • ids – object used to generate the report
  • data – extra data given to draw the report
  • context – odoo context
assertPdf(ref, compared, msg=None, output_dir=None)[source]

Test if two pdf are equals

This split the pdf and delegate the assertion to assertImageEquals.

To split the pdf pdftk application from pdftk package is required.

Pdf tools

class odoo_report_testing.reports.pdftools[source]

Utility class to generate pdf file from odoo record, compare 2 pdf files

static generateReport(cr, uid, model, report_service_name, ids, data=None, context=None, version7=False)[source]

Generate the report and return it as a tuple (result, format) where result is the report document and format is the file extension.

static imagediff(ref, compared, output_dir=None)[source]

Test if two images are equals, if not, this generate a diff file and a animated gif file to highlight differences.

It can be two single page pdf file.

This delegate the work to compare application installed with imagemagick package which is required.

  • ref – a path to the file used as reference, expected result
  • compared – a path to the file to compare to the ref file.

Directory to generate diff files

return (Boolean equals, [String path to diff files,]): The result is a a tuple with bool value to tell if files are equals or not, and a list of diff files generated.

static outputs_env(expected_file, output_dir=None)[source]

Return tuple with directory and base file name to use from expected file

static pdfdiff(ref, compared, output_dir=None)[source]

Test if two pdf are equals

This split the pdf and delegate to imagediff to compare each pages.

To split the pdf pdftk application from pdftk package is required.