Source code for odoo_report_testing.assertions

"""High level Odoo assertions."""
import os
from .reports import pdftools

[docs]class OdooAssertions(object): """Mixin class providing assertion and helper methods to write tests. """
[docs] def assertImage(self, ref, compared, msg=None, output_dir=None): """Test if two images are equals, if not, this generate a diff file and a animated gif file to highlight differences. It could be two single page pdf files. This delegate the work to ``compare`` application installed with **imagemagick** package which is required. :param ref: a ``path`` to the file used as reference, expected result :param compared: a ``path`` to the file to compare to the ref file. :param msg: A message to print in case of faillure :output_dir: Directory to generate diff files """ diff = pdftools.imagediff(ref, compared, output_dir) if diff.get('equal'): for f in diff.get('diff_files'): os.remove(f) else: message = msg if msg else """Compared file %(compared)r is different from its reference %(ref)r, Find out differences in diff files ( %(diff_files)r))""" % dict(ref=ref, compared=compared, diff_files=diff.get('diff_files')))
[docs] def assertPdf(self, ref, compared, msg=None, output_dir=None): """Test if two pdf are equals This split the pdf and delegate the assertion to assertImageEquals. To split the pdf ``pdftk`` application from **pdftk** package is required. """ diff = pdftools.pdfdiff(ref, compared, output_dir) for page in diff.get('pages'): if page.get('equal'): os.remove(page.get('reference')) os.remove(page.get('compared')) for f in page.get('diff_files'): os.remove(f) if not diff.get('equal'): message = msg if msg else \ u"Compared file %(compared)r is different from its " \ u"reference %(ref)r.\n" \ u"Look at diff files to quickly show differences." % dict(ref=ref, compared=compared, ))
[docs] def assertOdooReport( self, reference, model, report_service_name, ids, data=None, context=None ): """Generate report and compare to a reference file, test will failed if files are different, have a look close to the reference file you will find a diff picture that show you differences. here an example to test sale order quotation report:: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os from openerp.tests.common import TransactionCase from odoo_report_testing.assertions import OdooAssertions class TestSoReport(TransactionCase, OdooAssertions): def test_simple_so_report(self): self.assertOdooReport( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'expected_reports', 'test_so_report.pdf' ), 'sale.order', 'sale.report_saleorder', [self.ref('sale.sale_order_1')], data={}, context=None ) .. warning:: You may want to generate those report without expose any odoo port so that you can render report properly without http access. You can follow this PR: - `anybox/odoo <>`_ :param reference: Path to the report that the generated report should looks like :param model: fully qualified model name :param report_service_name: report name (without `report.`) :param ids: object used to generate the report :param data: extra data given to draw the report :param context: odoo context """ if not data: data = {} if hasattr(self, 'env'): version7 = False else: version7 = True report, format = pdftools.generateReport(, self.uid, model, report_service_name, ids, data=data, context=context, version7=version7 ) if format != 'pdf': raise Exception("AssertOdooReport work only with pdf files.") directory, filename = pdftools.outputs_env(reference) generated = os.path.join(directory, filename + '_generated.pdf') with open(generated, 'wb') as report_file: report_file.write(report) self.assertPdf(reference, generated)